Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Summary? - It's simple!

Resume is a "dress" on which you will be met:
write a resume in advance;
verify each word;
Show resume to friends;
grind, grind, and polish your resume again;
Your perfect resume is your individual presentation, leaving the first, but most lasting impression. Therefore, before you write it, think about where you are sending it, who will receive it, how it will be read, and in which folder it will be placed. Remember, the work of the personnel manager is not aimed at selecting suitable resumes, but at discarding inappropriate ones.

We will consider first the main points of the resume, then the points that can be used as needed, and finally, in conclusion, you will find some general tips for writing a resume. In the meantime, the first tip - a resume should be typed on a computer, preferably in the MS Word editor. Therefore, open a new file and here are the five main points of the summary.

Surname, Name and Patronymic.

The word "resume" is usually not written. Better write in large letters (18-20 font), in the center, on top of your last name, first name and patronymic. Such a title will help you quickly find your resume in a pile of hundreds of similar papers. The words "Surname", "Name", and "Patronymic" are better not to write.

Contact information.

Here it is necessary to provide the most complete and thorough way that will allow you to quickly and efficiently contact you if you are interested in and want to invite you for an interview. Providing the address of the place of residence, it is advisable to indicate whether this address is temporary, for example, a hostel, or permanent. If the address is temporary, then how long can you catch him. When indicating the telephone number (s), do not forget to make appropriate notes, for example, “work”, “home”, “mobile”, “for messages”, etc., also indicate the time when you can call. If other means of communication are available to you, for example, fax, e-mail, pager, ICQ, also indicate them, detailing, if possible, the conditions for contacting you. Remember: the faster an employee of a recruiting agency or human resources department contacts you, the more chances you have to get around your competitors in getting this or that job.


In a recruitment agency or company, as a rule, recruitment is carried out for several vacancies, so be sure to make the heading "Target" the next heading. Here you should write what vacancy, job, or field of activity you are applying for. Otherwise, your resume will simply be thrown into the trash. No one will sit and think what kind of work could be offered to you. In the paragraph goal you can also indicate your wishes, requirements for a future job.


Create the heading "Education" and list educational institutions, schools, courses, institutes, etc. which you have already completed or are still continuing to study:
Use either reverse chronological order, i.e. indicate the last place of study first, or the principle of significance, i.e. First indicate the place of study most significant for the job you are looking for.
For each place of study, provide the following information: the period of study with the exact (month, year) indicating the start and end dates of studies; place of study (if the name of the educational institution does not indicate its location, indicate the city, country) and, finally, indicate the qualifications that you received at the end of the training, i.e. indicate the title (certificate, diploma, certificate, etc. in the specialty).
List only those places of study that are important for the job you are looking for.


Create the heading "Experience" and list the places of your former work:
Use either reverse chronological order, i.e. indicate the last place of work first, or the principle of significance, i.e. first indicate the place of work where the experience you gained is most significant for future work;
For each place of work, provide the following information: period of employment with the exact (month, year) indication of the start and end dates of the work; employer (indicate the name of the company, city, country); position; duties (in three or four sentences, describe the scope of your duties).
List only those jobs that are important for the job you are looking for.
Do not leave spaces in the dates of the busy period.

If you conscientiously wrote your resume and got to this place, you can congratulate yourself - half the battle is done. This ends the mandatory information, without which your resume is unlikely to be used for its intended purpose and begins, although not mandatory, but no less important part. You are given the opportunity to provide additional information about yourself, but remember: you must specify only what is directly related to the "goal".

Additional Information.

For example, you know how to work on a computer, know a foreign language, speak typewriting, embroider the Bulgarian cross, you have a driver’s license. If any of these skills will help you cope with your future responsibilities, then indicate them by creating the appropriate headings, for example, "computer knowledge", "foreign languages", etc. For specialists, for example, programmers, I recommend indicating more detailed information (programming languages, operating systems, databases, programming for the Internet). In the section "foreign languages" it is advisable to indicate not only the level of language proficiency, but also where and for how long you have been teaching it. Depending on the “purpose”, it may be appropriate to indicate “awards”, “publications”, “participation in conferences”, etc.

Personal data.

Information such as “gender”, “age”, “health”, “hobbies”, “marital status”, “citizenship”, “religion”, “attitude to military duty”, etc. are purely personal and your right to write them or not. Remember that the information you provide in this column can be used to discriminate on one or another basis.


If you have an agreement with people who can provide you with letters of recommendation, then in conclusion you can specify these people, usually two, indicating how to contact them.

There are no strict rules for writing a resume, you need to be guided by common sense, and he tells you that:
The resume should contain brief but complete information about your education, professional skills, work experience, achievements and available recommendations.
Each resume is individual, it should be compiled for a specific vacancy.
Resume should not exceed one printed page
A well-read and printable font must be used. Most preferred are the Times New Roman and Arial fonts. Do not use more than two types of fonts in a resume. However, Bold, Italic and Underline are desirable for highlighting important parts of the resume, as they attract the attention of the reader.
Your resume should not contain grammatical, spelling errors or incorrect phraseological phrases. Reread the resume several times, let it read to friends and relatives.
You need to edit the resume in accordance with the profile of the job you are applying for, showing your determination in your chosen career.
A resume is always sent along with a cover letter, where you need to argue how your special knowledge and experience makes you a logical candidate for the job you are looking for.
You should not exaggerate your abilities or achievements. Do not give false information and incorrect links and job titles. This will only cause a negative reaction from the recruiter, as the links are selectively checked and carelessness is detected. The slightest distortion can cost you an interview and even work. However, this does not mean that you should not present your qualifications in the most favorable light.
Your resume will go through many hands until it reaches the employer. Take care in advance of heavy quality paper and non-marking ink (always black).
A few copies may be taken from your resume. Use white or beige paper that does not degrade copy quality.

And the last tip: a resume should look professional. Therefore, it is better to contact a specialist who will help you increase the presentability of your resume.

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