Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Resume writing

The resume that you send out to employers is also a kind of request. A personal resume is your business card containing information about your professional strengths, qualifications and work biography. Why do I need a resume? In a favorable light to present their professional merits, involvement in work that may be of interest to the employer. Do not forget - the role of the resume is quite large: you will not have a second chance to make a first impression on the employer! Your resume should stand out in the general flow of information. If you talk with the employer personally, then your resume will help him quickly find out what kind of specialist is in front of him. There are various ways to write a resume, but in any case, three rules must be followed:
focus on achievement.

The purpose of the summary

The purpose of the resume is to interest the employer and receive an invitation to a personal interview. Therefore, you need to try to ensure that the information is comprehensive. There is no single standard for writing a resume. Employers prefer to see a brief, on one or two pages, resume, compiled on a chronological basis.

Resume style

Consider the contents of the resume.

Personal information: the CV should include your surname, name, patronymic, as well as the date of birth. Be sure to include contact information: address, phone number, pager. Your education should be reflected, both primary and secondary (courses, seminars, etc.). If you are in the process of training, be sure to specify the form of training and course. The position you are applying for. If you want to get a strictly defined job, indicate this in your resume. If you are not attached to one option, do not mention a specific type of work. Work experience, if any, in chronological order, starting from the last job. Here you should indicate the start and end dates of the work, the name of the organization, your position, promotion. Then describe the job responsibilities and specific work experience. Pay attention - this is the main part of your resume! A separate line usually includes additional information: knowledge of foreign languages; indicate all the languages ​​that you speak and their level of knowledge. Computer knowledge: indicate the programs and types of computers. Mark all the awards, diplomas, awards that you have. It makes sense to indicate the personal qualities that distinguish you as an irreplaceable employee: your responsibility, determination, initiative. The controversial issue is salary. Here you have the right to decide how important it is for you to indicate the minimum level of payment.

It is desirable to fit all the information contained in the summary on one page, the text should be easy to read, should not contain secondary information, grammatical and stylistic errors, typos. Handwriting is not allowed. At the very end of the resume, put the date of departure and do not forget to show courtesy: "Sincerely, such and such ...".

If you calmly and with dignity formulate what position you apply for, what skills you have - this is already half the success.

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