Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Summary - General Information

You have found information about the available vacancy. Now you need to draw up documents for competitive selection. At this stage, this is usually a summary.

What is a resume?

This is a written description of your career path, which is designed to create a positive opinion of the employer about you. Researchers at Human Resources Ralph Miranda and Dr. Greenberg of the University of Tennessee-Knoxville define the resume as "a short written description of the professional qualities of the applicant, demonstrating the potential of the individual and the ability to occupy this particular position."

Are there specific standards for writing a resume?

Typically, you need to include the following items: purpose, education, work experience, professional skills, awards and social activities, personal information, recommendations. In no case should you write a resume by hand or use a dot-matrix printer. If you are typing, do it at two intervals. It is better if you fit the text on one, maximum two pages of A-4 format. It is better to use good quality white paper. All sheets of text should be impeccably clean, for this it is better to place them in a special transparent pocket. It is better to deliver in person, in the worst case, by fax, than to use e-mail.

There are three main types of resumes:


Work experience, education, etc. are indicated in reverse chronological order (i.e., starting from the last place of work);
Briefly describe your experience, highlighting achievements and skills;
Precede the resume with a brief summary of your experience.


Information is provided on “thematic groups” (for example, leadership skills / leadership positions, organizational skills, professional achievements) that are directly related to the work you want to get;
Dates are usually excluded to emphasize your experience, not the sequence of events.


Usually consists of two parts: a description of the experience in "thematic groups" and a short description in chronological order of work experience, education, etc .;
Such a resume allows you to emphasize the experience that directly corresponds to the real position and the requirements of the real employer.

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